True love is Pure Love
First off I'd like to start by saying I'm SO SORRRYYY guys for taking so long to post a new blog (being lazy) which is not an excuse, but, it happened ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ smh. But I'm here and back with so much to share with you all. Love is one of the most captivating topics (apart from sex) known to man. (And I guess you know where I'm going with this right?) right. I'll be talking about when to know when love is true.
This blog is not what you think though. Its not really about FINDING true love, or actually BEING in love, but rather about the heart and its motive for singles when it COMES to love. Love is truly the most beautiful force (God is love) of this universe, and everyone from all walks of life can attest to this. But I want to address my professing Christians brothers and sisters about this quest for love. Pretty much all of us have a healthy desire for love (which is a desire God has place on the inside of us all). But what happens when that desire becomes motivated by our own motives? What happens when we set up the scene for love to find us in our timing? What happens when we become infatuated only by what we can see?. . . .God. Is not. In it!!!
Purity is a vital key in being in Gods will. And when it comes to love and God being involved in OUR love, purity is an essential part. As Christians we understand the basic fundamentals about God being a pure God, which in turn requires US to be pure "blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."- Matt 5:8 [NKJV]. Another translation; "You're blessed when you get your inside world - your mind and heart- put right. Then you can see God in the outside world" - Matt 5:8 [MSG]. Ive witnessed over time when it comes to the body of Christ and their perspective on love, its divided two ways. You have those who see love being pursued should be done in a pure way - with God involved and its standards based off the word of God which means no compromise and no casual dating (see my blog Dating vs Courting: To Marriage for more info on dating). Then you have the more carnal minded perspective. The ones who agree that God should be involved but who also (underliningly) feel like in order to find true love, you have to help God (which is often masked as "doing your part"). I want to break this carnal perspective down a bit more because in order for us to do better we have to know better, amen?
Carnal Perspective on Love:
I posed three questions earlier:
I want to describe what each of the answers look like because most times the hindrances to our blessings are hidden in our hearts. And it takes conviction from revelation (revealed knowledge) to set us free.
Answer 1 - having wrong motives is the epitome of not being motivated by God. Wrong motives (or OUR own motives) is rooted in selfishness. When selfishness is involved you pursue people (love) for how good they can make you look or feel about yourself. Wrong motives amplifies how a person can benefit you, your goals and dreams. Wrong motives keeps you focused on the persons surroundings (their job, skill, or talent you love that they have. The type of family they have that you always wanted to be apart of. And the cool friends who you hope will become your friends and etc. This is not pure in Gods eyes because God does not seek to TAKE advantage cause He rather GIVE the advantage.
Answer 2 - being motivated by wrong motives cause people to try to manipulate situations and time. People do what I call "setting up the scene". They often try to be in the same vicinity as the persons eye they're trying to catch. They find out as much as they can about the likes and dislikes of the person in hopes of portraying that they're the type the person is looking for. They can never really FULLY be themselves when that person is around because they want to maintain the "image", "cool", "sass", "humor" or "swag" that they've built to impress that individual (or in some cases individuals). This is not pure in the site of God because God is authentic and definitely does not inspire us to manipulate, and maneuver crafty ways to captivate peoples attention. "A bad motive cant achieve a good end. . ." - Proverbs 17:20 [MSG]
Answer 3 - and last (but most certainly not least) is being infatuated by only what you see. Infatuation is always mistaken for love from a carnal perspective because the person looks EXACTLY like your type (fantasy), so you conclude they MUST be from God. It sometimes never goes beyond the eye (lust of the eye) so it causes you to stamp the looks of the person as the highest and final standard. Infatuation is rooted in shallowness which explains why someone infatuated with infatuation has multiple crushes. Infatuation causes your heart to never be satisfied. Definition: an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. This is not pure in the site of God because God is a God of commitment and covenant. His love is perfect and theres no crack in perfect. Theres nothing "short-lived" about His passion for us. He requires us to be SOUND and WHOLE in our emotions, not scattered.
Alot of times ALL three are at work in the hearts of many single believers which short circuits the purity of true love (I can testify because before I was saved I was all three. It took the Lord to purify and renew my heart and thinking). True love is simple, never complicated (in the sense of it happening because its all left up to God for Him to orchestrate, not us). True love seeks to give the advantage. True love seeks to view the opposite sex as brothers or sisters in the Lord so it finds no need in "waking love before its time" or stirring the affections of others through flirting. And true love goes beyond what it sees with its physical eyes to find the beauty in the heart, mind, and character of an individual. You see PURE love is the TRUE love because whats real is never tainted.
Let us look deep with-in our hearts. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to shine light upon our hearts. Allow Him to purify your heart and your motives. If you have the desire to be in love that means God has the one for you. And if you found yourself in any part of this article that means theres some work God whats to do IN you. Love is a gift not a game. Its a gift He wants you to open in His timing. But most importantly will you be ready to receive it with a pure heart and hands when that time comes?
Purity is a vital key in being in Gods will. And when it comes to love and God being involved in OUR love, purity is an essential part. As Christians we understand the basic fundamentals about God being a pure God, which in turn requires US to be pure "blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."- Matt 5:8 [NKJV]. Another translation; "You're blessed when you get your inside world - your mind and heart- put right. Then you can see God in the outside world" - Matt 5:8 [MSG]. Ive witnessed over time when it comes to the body of Christ and their perspective on love, its divided two ways. You have those who see love being pursued should be done in a pure way - with God involved and its standards based off the word of God which means no compromise and no casual dating (see my blog Dating vs Courting: To Marriage for more info on dating). Then you have the more carnal minded perspective. The ones who agree that God should be involved but who also (underliningly) feel like in order to find true love, you have to help God (which is often masked as "doing your part"). I want to break this carnal perspective down a bit more because in order for us to do better we have to know better, amen?
Carnal Perspective on Love:
I posed three questions earlier:
- What happens when the love desire in us becomes motivated by our own motives?
- What happens when we set up the scene for love to find us in our timing?
- What happens when we become infatuated only by what we can see?
I want to describe what each of the answers look like because most times the hindrances to our blessings are hidden in our hearts. And it takes conviction from revelation (revealed knowledge) to set us free.
Answer 1 - having wrong motives is the epitome of not being motivated by God. Wrong motives (or OUR own motives) is rooted in selfishness. When selfishness is involved you pursue people (love) for how good they can make you look or feel about yourself. Wrong motives amplifies how a person can benefit you, your goals and dreams. Wrong motives keeps you focused on the persons surroundings (their job, skill, or talent you love that they have. The type of family they have that you always wanted to be apart of. And the cool friends who you hope will become your friends and etc. This is not pure in Gods eyes because God does not seek to TAKE advantage cause He rather GIVE the advantage.
Answer 2 - being motivated by wrong motives cause people to try to manipulate situations and time. People do what I call "setting up the scene". They often try to be in the same vicinity as the persons eye they're trying to catch. They find out as much as they can about the likes and dislikes of the person in hopes of portraying that they're the type the person is looking for. They can never really FULLY be themselves when that person is around because they want to maintain the "image", "cool", "sass", "humor" or "swag" that they've built to impress that individual (or in some cases individuals). This is not pure in the site of God because God is authentic and definitely does not inspire us to manipulate, and maneuver crafty ways to captivate peoples attention. "A bad motive cant achieve a good end. . ." - Proverbs 17:20 [MSG]
Answer 3 - and last (but most certainly not least) is being infatuated by only what you see. Infatuation is always mistaken for love from a carnal perspective because the person looks EXACTLY like your type (fantasy), so you conclude they MUST be from God. It sometimes never goes beyond the eye (lust of the eye) so it causes you to stamp the looks of the person as the highest and final standard. Infatuation is rooted in shallowness which explains why someone infatuated with infatuation has multiple crushes. Infatuation causes your heart to never be satisfied. Definition: an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. This is not pure in the site of God because God is a God of commitment and covenant. His love is perfect and theres no crack in perfect. Theres nothing "short-lived" about His passion for us. He requires us to be SOUND and WHOLE in our emotions, not scattered.
Alot of times ALL three are at work in the hearts of many single believers which short circuits the purity of true love (I can testify because before I was saved I was all three. It took the Lord to purify and renew my heart and thinking). True love is simple, never complicated (in the sense of it happening because its all left up to God for Him to orchestrate, not us). True love seeks to give the advantage. True love seeks to view the opposite sex as brothers or sisters in the Lord so it finds no need in "waking love before its time" or stirring the affections of others through flirting. And true love goes beyond what it sees with its physical eyes to find the beauty in the heart, mind, and character of an individual. You see PURE love is the TRUE love because whats real is never tainted.
Let us look deep with-in our hearts. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to shine light upon our hearts. Allow Him to purify your heart and your motives. If you have the desire to be in love that means God has the one for you. And if you found yourself in any part of this article that means theres some work God whats to do IN you. Love is a gift not a game. Its a gift He wants you to open in His timing. But most importantly will you be ready to receive it with a pure heart and hands when that time comes?
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