The most beautiful thing: That we are all loved by a God who is in fact, love.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Why You, Aren't Married!

Why You, Aren't Married!

This post might be a little controversial ONLY because people have a hard time swallowing the truth when they're exposed by it. But this is a question Ive been pondering on for as long as Ive been saved and going to church (consistently lol), which is going on about 2yrs; "Why are there so many women in the church that are not married, but they're REALLY believing God for a husband?". It wasn't until I decided to ask God Himself and stop playing god myself thinking I knew why, did God reveal to me the WHY behind the question. The reason why you have many women in the church who want a husband but don't have one, and instead watches everyone else around them get married, is because THEY, WONT, SUBMIT!!! Yes, you are not married because you wont submit. The funny thing about the word submission and how every woman in the church have learned to dress up, is that they think its being "meek, quiet and sweet " displayed on the outside. But in all actuality, the submission the bible commissioned every woman to do, must FIRST start from the INSIDE. Many women have mastered and trained their flesh on the outside to look submissive, but have failed or refused to control and train their flesh on the inside (their soul: will, thought, and emotions) to submit. 

There were many times I'd see pretty women in the church who seemed to have "everything" on point. I mean, they come to church, they praise and worship, they have jobs, their own place, and their own car, BUT no husband. It confused me for a while until recently God told me like He told Samuel in the bible: "People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart". You see, God sees FAR beyond what us humans can see. He sees INTO the heart where the true and real person lives. Where their real character and motives dwell. In life we ONLY see what people want us to see, so it is easy to be deceived on who the person really is (if you don't have the Holy Spirit to give you discernment). God told me "don't be easily awed by what you can see on the outer, because what you see is not always what I see". Many people forget that the God who created your heart knows whats IN your heart. And just like Jeremiah 17:10 says "But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve", that's EXACTLY what He does. I didn't forget about the word submission so lets get back on focus okay *snap snap*. There are 3 things a woman who wont submit genuinely from her heart will do.  .  .  .

1. She will be MANIPULATIVE:
    A woman who wont submit will 100% of the time be manipulating and controlling. The bible ORDERED every woman to submit to their husbands because the man is delegated by God to lead and be the head of the woman (Ephesians 5:22-23). A manipulating woman will always emasculate the man. Although he's wearing the pants in the physical, just like Jezebel, in the spirit shes wearing the pants and he's like another Ahab. To God, manipulation is WITCHCRAFT!!! You could be in church and think your perfectly fine, but if you have not submitted in your heart, to God you are or have a STRONG possibility of being a witch. An un-submitting woman will manipulate in a passive aggressive way. Always giving the silent treatment when things don't go her way, or crying as if shes been servilely hurt to get the guy to feel bad. Her motives will always be what she wants, or what he can do for her. Shes a woman controlled by her emotions, so she manipulates through her emotions.

2. She will NAG:
    A woman who wont submit 100% of the time will NAG. Why? because she haven't taken her rightful position in understanding the role the man plays, so she wont respect his decisions as the head. The bible says "
A nagging spouse is like the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet; You can't turn it off, and you can't get away from it" - Proverbs 27:15 (MSG). She will ALWAYS have her input (which nothing is wrong with having input) BUT, she will want her input to always be the outcome. Meaning, she will nag to get things her way. Nagging and manipulation goes hand in had. Instead of her doing it in a passive aggressive subtle way, she'll nag until she drives him up the wall of misery. 

     A woman who wont submit, will always misunderstand. She will always question whether the man knows what hes doing. She wont fully trust his leadership. She'll feel as if she understands spiritual things more than he does. And she will hardly understand the blueprint he lays out, because she will feel as if she has a better one. I'll never forget when God told me "where there is no understanding, there will be no peace". An un-submitting misunderstanding woman will NOT be surrounded by peace. Opposite of a misunderstanding wife, is an understanding one. And the bible says "Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth, but only the LORD can give an understanding wife." - Proverbs 19:14. 

Some might be reading this and thinking "this is a little to extreme" or "I don't agree with everything". Well, agree with this, the bible says "He who finds a wife finds a GOOD thing, and obtains favor from the Lord" - Proverbs 18:22. Notice it said GOOD thing, not a miserable thing. Because the church has put more of a focus on women deserving good men, they've forgotten that GOD also cares for His sons to FIND a GOOD woman. For a man to find a wife, God considers that a treasurable thing. God will NOT send to you one of His sons that Hes been perfectly grooming just so you'll make him miserable because you wont submit in heart. God sees into each of our future, and just like everyone knows, marriage only amplifies areas we all deal with and need the help of our spouse (because no ones perfect coming into marriage). But a woman who wont submit now, surly wont submit when shes married. God will not curse His sons that way (just being honest). I've seen people who in their own judgement feel like "Why is she married? I've been coming to church longer and she JUST got saved, how did she get a husband when I've been praying for one for years? Shes not even up there spiritually! Lord I've been faithful, I tithe and I offer." (LOL, sorry, I just had to laugh cause I've seen this, and its HILARIOUS). But yea, I cant validate every woman that is married now was 100% submissive before they got married, but I can say "to whom much is given, much is required". Its not about everyone else, its about YOU! Look within yourself. If you're a woman of God who knows the word and been going to church for years now, God is definitely calling you to a higher standard because 10/10 you've been taught to submit, but have refused to do so. God holds us all accountable to what we have learned and been taught and rewards us all according to what we do with what we've been giving (In this case, lessons on submission).

So if you're a woman of God (meaning, you're a woman who considers herself Christian), look DEEP within yourself. Are your motives pure? In your heart are you submissive? You've might've just asked yourself these questions and felt like you're fine, but you're not God, so ask God to SHOW you YOURSELF. Ask Him to expose you to yourself, and when He does, don't friggin act surprised. REPENT to whatever He shows you. If you want to be old, single and miserable for the rest of your life, then don't submit. But if the desire of marriage is in your heart, then that means that God has a husband JUST for you. But until you get things right from within first, He will not send him to you (no matter how much you pray, beg, or cry). Another thing, if you are a single woman but you FLIRT with your brothers in Christ, and you do little things to try to get who you want to "be your husband" to notice you, you are operating under a seductive spirit and you need to go before God with sincere conviction and repent. Or find someone you can trust to confess to, and have them pray for you so that you may be delivered. God desires for us to be holy because He is holy. He also wants us ALL to come to a place where we are pure to our own motives. GOD HATES SECRET MANIPULATIVE MOTIVES! So if you've been one waiting loooong for a husband, consider this an answered prayer because when we know better, we do better, right?! Women, lets get to a place where we can be slapped with the truth, and still embrace it. Because at the end if the day, if this helped reveal the why you might've had for such a long time, thank the Lord.

(Ok, IDK why im rambling on when I've pretty much said everything I was given by the Lord to say LOL, told ya'll I like talking. Anywho, I hope this was able to be a blessing to someone out there. And if you're reading this from another country, I LOOOVE and appreciate you *waves lika madwoman*. I think people outside of the US are sooooo COOL and unique lol). Ok, until we meet again, Cheeeeeeky Choooow my loves ^_^/*

Friday, June 15, 2012

The TRUTH About Homosexuality

The TRUTH About Homosexuality

Lets be honest, while the bible is clear on no sin being greater than the other, there just seems to be extra hostility towards the sin of homosexuality. Its almost as if homosexuality is the WORST sin. If its one thing believers and some unbelievers can come come into agreement with, is that its wrong. Why is that? Why can lying sorta fly under the radar as "not a big deal", but when it comes to homosexuality its almost as if a riot can start right then and there? Well, that's because the sin of homosexuality is the ONLY sin that distorts and perverts the very image of God. You see God created both man and woman to become one through the act of sex to represent both sides of God coming together. The man represents the fathering, authoritative, administrative side of God. The woman represents the nurturing, loving, caring side of God. Homosexuality not only goes AGAINST the original natural intent of sex, it also goes against the original spiritual significance of sex that God intended to be between a man and a woman only. Sex is a beautiful gift from God. It is a holy union of two bodies becoming one. When you look around (with everything that society portray about sex), the culture of this world has done a great job at leaving God out of His own invention (sex). Because the world has been successful at leaving God out of it and the church has done a WACK job at reinstating the pure beauty of it, it gave the devil an upper-hand of taking matters into his own hand to destroy whats meant to be scared, through perversion. This blog post is to open the eyes of people who struggle with it or  who've always wanted to know the why BEYOND "its just wrong", and get to the ROOT of why homosexuality is such a grave sin. I want to shine the TRUTH on this topic, as the truth will definitely set many free. I pray that all hearts and minds are open to receive what is being shared, and that the devil has NO hold on your mind as you read this. 

Where Did Homosexuality Come From?

First and foremost we must understand what kind of war we are in. We must become aware of the two opposing Kingdoms fighting against each other. God vs satan. Many people think that the devil is an equal force of evil to God who is the supreme force of good, but that isn't true. God created the devil so there's no way they're equal in power. Before he became satan he was lucifer, the most beautiful and highest ranking angel in heaven (Ezekiel 28: 12-19). He was chief over the praise and worship department in heaven. But because of his pride and evil  lust to be "God", he was casted out of heaven (Isaiah 14: 12-15), along side him, his following of 1/3 of the angels (Revelations 12:4), and destined for utter destruction. Because of this, and him knowing he's doomed at the end of this age, it caused him to HAAATE God. On top of that because angels aren't made in the image of God (only humans are) and because satan has lost all of his rights to be in the presence of God like we who are reconciled through Jesus are, he HAAAATTTEEESS ALL of Gods creations and is desperate to destroy us to get back at God. (Read more of this account here)

So what is homosexuality? Its a spirit of sexual confusion and perversion from the devil. Where did it come from? It came from two sources: 1. HELL and 2. Humans evil lust because of their sinful nature caused by the fall of man through Adam and Eve. Sin entered the earth when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. When they did this act of disobedience to God and believed the lie of the serpent, they forfeited their God given authority to rule and reign and gave that to the devil. From that moment until Jesus came to redeem us, sin ran RAMPANT on earth causing the spirit of homosexuality to enter earth: Romans 1:18-23  

18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 
19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them.
  20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.  
22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. 
23 And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies.  
25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.  
26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other.  
27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.  
29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 
30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. 
31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy.  
32 They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.

Natural and Spiritual Aspect of Sex

Like I said earlier, homosexuality goes against Gods original intent for sex. It goes against nature itself. Sex by God was created to be within the constitution of marriage between a man and a woman ONLY. Everything you see here on earth is a type and shadow of the world we can not see: the spiritual world. Believe it or not, sex is more spiritual than it is just natural. The meaning of sex in the spiritual represents our intimacy with God through worship. The more we worship God, the closer and more intimate we get with Him. To go back to the very beginning, why did God create people in the first place?! He created us because He desired to have an intimate relationship with His sons and daughters. Because of the fall, the harmonious flow of intimacy between God and mankind was disrupted. But through our worship, it ushers us back into His presence. Don't get it twisted now, we DO NOT have sex with God like a man and a woman naturally have sex. But because we live in a natural world birthed from the spiritual, God uses the natural things to parallel spiritual meanings. Sex is a INTIMATE thing. In the natural sex between a man and a woman represents spiritually both sides of God coming together to make WHOLE His image. Homosexuality on the other hand can not do that because is symbolizes only one side of God coming together which states 1. God is incomplete and 2. God is confused. But the bible in 1Corinthians 14:33 clearly states "For God is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order. . .". Homosexuality also goes against Gods 2nd intent for sex between a man and a woman  which was to be fruitful and multiply. Fruitful and multiply what? More godly seeds (children) made in HIS image here on earth. Homosexuality can not even come close to reproducing, which rebels against Gods command for man and woman to "be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it" Genesis 1:28. The devil HATES humans because we remind him of God, and who he will NEVER be. And because of this, he is out to destroy mankind. What better way to control population through annihilation by causing a spirit of confusion and perversion to enter the minds and hearts of people which will eventually put a end to human reproduction. EVERYTHING about the devil is evil and dirty. And whether you are aware of it or not, the devil especially HATES you. So do you see how he's trying to twist something so holy and so precious (sex) by creating homosexuality and lesbianism? Its all a plot to get back at God, destroy humans, and drag as much people to hell with him as he can. Contrary to what the world portrays as "freedom of living" and "equality", the only freedom of living this world offers is the freedom to SELF DESTRUCT. And if we got OUR rights vs Gods right for our lives, we'd ALL be in hell tonight because our sinful nature only knows to do one thing, and that's sin! 

How To Get Free!

Many people through ignorance say that people who are gay are born that way. But thats a lie from satan himself. God is the ONLY giver and creator of life. So to say someone was born that way is a LIE because the devil can not create life, he can only imitate it by twisting and perverting it. Why would God create someone to be gay, then later on turn around and cast them into hell? Remember, God is NOT the author of confusion, the devil is. The bible is CLEAR on God not wanting anyone to perish, but for everyone to inherit eternal life through Jesus Christ through repentance and faith (2Peter 3:9). Also many people through their lack of knowing God and His word claim that people can not get delivered from that lifestyle. That they're stuck and just have to deal with it, but that too is a lie. The ONLY way to be set free from that spirit, is through the supernatural power of God to cast that spirit OUT! Like I said earlier, homosexuality is a spirit. And the ONLY way to have that spirit casted out of someone, is for that person to acknowledge and come in agreement that that lifestyle is a sin, and an abomination towards God. The thing about the spirit of homosexuality is that it is a militant stubborn spirit rooted in REBELLION. It HATES God, and wants to destroy His image. Homosexuals are not evil people, but the spirit that lives in them are. God does not hate the person (because after all He created them), but He HATES WITH DISGUST the spirit that the devil sent on them. The hardest part about getting someone with that spirit free, is getting them to see eye to eye with God why its wrong. A lot of time homosexuals go to church but aren't set free. Why? that's because some churches lack the WORD and LOVE of God to convict, and the PRESENCE and POWER of God to deliver. I often say this a lot "God wont deliver you from your friends, He'll only deliver you from your enemies". In other words, God can only save you from what you hate. Because God can not and will not go against our free will, if you like a certain sin and what to continue living in it, there's nothing God can do except let you reach your own destruction because that is what YOU chose. However, if it is a sin that you sincerely hate and you're sincerely disgusted about it, but find yourself continuing in committing it, when you desperately ask God for help, HE WILL DELIVER YOU!!! So all in all, the only way to be set free from the spirit of homosexuality is to 1. Acknowledged that it is a sin to God and sincerely HATE it. And 2. Find a church or someone who operates IN the POWER of the Holy Spirit to deliver you. There is NO sin to foul for God to forgive or deliver. That is the EXACT reason why Jesus came and died on the cross. "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." - 2Corinthians 5:21. Jesus Himself became every sin you can ever imagine, just so that no matter what any of us committed, we would be forgiven and redeemed through His shed blood from the cross when we come to Him. God loves EVERY human being because He wills the highest for all. So even if you are a homosexual, God does not hate YOU, He HATES the lifestyle, the spirit and the sin. Hate the devil the same way he hates you. Come to Christ and come into agreement with God that it is wrong. The devil wants nothing more than to keep those in bondage, TRAPPED. Do not by that lie. Jesus did not come to save those who think they were righteous, but He came for those who know they are sinners (Mark 2:17). Most people wont ever get saved because they simply don't want to. But salvation is FREE to ALL who wants to be FREE. The question is (not just for homosexuality, but for any other sin) DO YOU WANT TO BE FREE? Below are clips of testimonies of people that once was bound by that demon, but Jesus set the FREE!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dating vs Courting: To Marriage

Dating vs Courting: To Marriage

Dating and Courting are 2 MAJOR different things. One was created by man, the other was created by God. Contrary to now popular beliefs, God does not prohibit dating (in the sense of leaving it up to you to figure out who you think is best for you). In fact dating is never mentioned or seen in the bible at all. Courting on the other hand is Gods way of totally bringing two people together to the conclusion of marriage. Dating was created by man to give many options. Why? Because naturally mankind's sinful nature is afraid of commitment. We're selfish by nature so its our selfish way of testing out what WE think is best for US. Nibbling on who we think we like, and when we get fed up, throwing them away, and as a result leaving a trail of broken hearts behind that we end up not even caring about because our focus is on the next one we want to nibble on. If I must be blunt, its the most classiest way of prostituting ourselves. *gasps* PROSTITUTING??? YES chile, prostituting. Think about it. You spot out the one you want, you dress a certain way that will reel them in, you both say what you think each other wants to hear, you absolutely don't plan on marrying  this person cause you just want to have "fun". You test each other out for however long, and once you're bored, its on to the next one! Dating is actually more dangerous to our emotions than we know compared to how the world portrays it. Anyone who's ever played the dating game can tell you a broken heart is absolutely part of the package. Like I said in my previous post "Since When Did Kissing Become A Sin?", All of our wrong decisions were always controlled by how we felt and our willingness to act upon how we felt. And a broken heart only testifies to the out of control and irrational actions most of us are or have been responsible for. A fathers number 1 priority is to always PROTECT! That explains why dating is not something God created or even suggests, for the simply fact it enables hurt vs the love it promises. 

I believe there is a such thing as a "soul mate". Someone God predestined for you to be with even before you were born. However, with the option of dating this culture has given many, it not only taught people how NOT to rely on God, but also how to pick from their own limited judgement the "good guy" or "good girl" they so desire. But because God is sovereign and full of mercy, instead of saying "you picked the wrong person to marry so I'm going to let you suffer", He throws grace on it to make it work. Ask anyone who has met their soul mate (the one God chose for them) their spirit and heart knew without doubt, that she/he was the one. Many times because we do our own picking instead of waiting on the PERFECT one God has for us, temptation seems to knock on the door more often. Why? because our soul is subconsciously still in search of THE ONE. Now I'm not saying that the couples who waited on God don't experience temptation (because temptation is inevitable), I'm saying the ones who did not wait will almost constantly have these 2 questions echoing in the back of their conscious "Am I with the right one? Did I meet and marry my soul mate?".  


Dating by definition of its title alone (no dictionary) means dated. It describes a stage in a person's life when he or she is actively pursuing romantic relationships with different people. The fact that you're pursuing romantic relationships with other people means there must be an expiration date to the previous person you was dating. Like I said earlier, anyone who's played the dating game knows that a broken heart or hurt feelings is part of the package. Dating is the perfect way to play Russian Roulette with your heart. I mean think about it, does seeing how fast you can dodge a bullet to the head seem like thee most wisest thing to do? Well, does placing your heart in the hands of different people in hopes of YOU finding the one, seem like the wisest thing to do? Unless you love feeling rejected, hurt and abused, I think NOT!!! Understand the dating that I'm addressing here is not the kind that married folks or two exclusive people on the verge of marriage go on (those dates are NECESSARY), I'm talking about the hopscotch dating that most people are all to familiar with. Dating outside of courtship and marriage as my girl Heather Lindsey would say, (Check out her blog here) = RANDOMS! A Random is defined as a person you KNOW you'll never marry but you date them to fill a void because you're lonely or bored. Its an unhealthy relationship for the simple fact ITS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! Dating teaches how to be unloyal, unfaithul, and uncommitted. Society associates loyalty and faithfulness as a simple "I'll never cheat on you", but loyalty and faithfulness goes deeper than that. Being loyal and faithful means "I'm not going to throw you away because I'm bored. I'm not going to turn my back on you because you're not making me happy right now. I'm going to stick this out because I made a commitment to you. I sacrificed my happiness for you because you are worth it". Commitment and sacrifice is something dating CAN NOT teach you, because it teaches how to practice divorce. It teaches when the going gets rough or when I'm bored and have met someone else more fun and interesting, I'll take a break or leave. There are no deep roots in dating. It's just a pocket full of randoms. And to top it off, there is no such thing as a "break" in a marriage. This is where courting comes into play ;)


 Unlike dating, playing the guessing game and courting can not be parallel. That's because God doesn't play games. The bible says "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor with the Lord" - Proverbs 18:22 . The way God does things will ALWAYS be different from the worlds way of doing things. Gods ways are higher than mans ways. Courting as I said earlier is Gods way of bringing two people together to the conclusion of marriage. By the time the man approaches the woman with the intentions of being exclusive, he must already know she is his wife. Already you see the difference between dating and courting. Dating: you're selfishly trying to find the one on your own, hurting yourself and others in the process. Courting: You already know he/she IS the one so there's no need in playing games. Courting enforces the practice of commitment, sacrifice, loyalty and faithfulness which will eventually bleed into the marriage. Dating tells you if you cant take it, break it, off. Remember now, courting was created by God, so the foundation will always stand on His word. So what do you do when you know you have Gods best? You. . .  .  .
  • Commit:
    "This is what the LORD commands:  When a man makes a vow to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said." -Numbers 30:1-2. Commitment is a promise. Courting is a commitment that this is the person you want to take it to the next level with; marriage. There is no game playing in courting. Its either you're 100% or not. The word of God in Matthew5:37 tells us to either let our yes be yes, or our no be no. So its either you want to commit pursing marriage with the person or you don't. The only reason people are afraid to commit, is because they're afraid of dying to themselves. In other words, they're selfish!  
  • Sacrifice:
    "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." - John 15:13. With commitment comes sacrifice. That's something the world doesn't know because we're to busy looking for someone that'll make US happy, rather than laying down our own happiness for the sake of another. There is no selfishness in courting because you must learn to SACRIFICE. What you put into practice before you marry, is what your marriage will end up being a reflection of. You don't automatically have the most blissful marriage after you say I do. The most blissful marriage starts BEFORE you say your vows, and that's out of the seeds you've been sowing during the proscess of getting to know each other.
  • Loyalty and Faithfulness:
    "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" - Proverbs 17:17. Loyalty and faithfulness is unwavering in both the good and bad times. Loyalty is a strong support and allegiance to someone else rather than yourself. God is faithful to us even when we aren't faithful to Him. And because courting is His design, it only make sense to do unto another what Hes done for us. Dating the worlds way is always disclaiming "whats in it for me?". With commitment comes sacrifice. And sacrifice is done out of loyalty and faithfulness to the person irregardless of whats in it for you or not.

    There's so much more that can be elaborated on on this topic, but the number 1 question I often hear in Christian conversation/debates is "Is it okay for Christians to date other Christians?". My stance on this is, NO! Just because someone is Christian does not mean that they're the one God had in mind for you. GOD KNOWS BEST. And like I said before, dating is selfishly testing out who you think is best for you. It enables hurt rather than the love it promises. We are commissioned to love each other with a brotherly/sisterly love in the faith, not date each other. We must come to the conclusion that the Kingdom of God operates differently from the world. When we came to Christ it was because we made a commitment to forsake the ways of this world. While the world does not want to or even know to trust in God, we know that our stability lies on the trust we have IN Him. Not only to protect us, but knowing our future enough to know whats ultimately BEST for us. And in this context, WHO is best for us. To take matters into our own hands is to tell God "give me back my life because I can do a better job than you". Our own hearts can deceive us because feelings fluctuate. As a result of dating or failed relationships, many in the body of Christ are wounded and suffering from broken hearts. The devil as we know targets those who are wounded because its easier to take them out. How effective can we be if we take on as the world going around hurting each other? A fathers number 1 priority is to protect. Compared to dating that is exactly what courting enables, protection and security of ones heart and emotions in the hands of someone God sees fit and trustworthy enough. I don't know about the rest of you all, but I definitely trust God enough to know the heart, intent, and motives of the person He has predestined for me to be with. Why play games or even settle for someone who is unsure if you're worth them committing to, when you can seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and wait for Him to bring to you (when the time is ready), your soul mate?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Since When Did Kissing Become A Sin?

Since When Did Kissing Become A Sin? 

For everyone who thinks kissing for Christians is wrong, tell me, how can kissing be classified as a sin? Hmmm, since when? Where does it say in the bible that kissing is a sin? Well, to be honest (and this is just MY opinion) I don't see anything wrong with it. That might be your area of weakness but not mine, I have control over myself. You're probably just weak in your flesh, that's why it seems so wrong to you. . . . . . . . . . . . .*Tires come to a screeching halt*. All you super saved saints probably thinking I done went crazy. Well don't, cause I'm on ya'll side. YES! Kissing my friend indeed is a sin (before marriage of course). Sorry¯\_()_/¯. Above are statements/questions I normally get from people or over hear in conversations. How in the world is kissing a sin? I mean, its not like you're having sex right? WRONG! As far as God is concerned PURITY is a MUST. Over the years purity has received a lame nun-like reputation. So before I get down to the nitty gritty of why kissing is a sin, I want to focus on what purity is and why its such a BEAUTIFUL thing. 

The Beauty of Purity  

Purity by definition alone means: Freedom from adulteration or contamination.
The words "freedom from contamination" is what really stands out for me because that is EXACTLY what purity is. Being free from contamination and defilement. The culture of this world has done a great job at making purity seem sooooo WACK! Everywhere you go, everything that's on the big screens and on the internet is laced with lust and and premature intimacy. I compare purity to water in its most purified form. Crystal clear and FRESH. When that water however starts to become contaminated from multiple people dipping into it, what color does it start to turn? What happens to fresh water when its left out in the open with NO covering? You mean to tell me you'll still drink water that multiple people dipped in and that has all types of floaty thingy's in it? (lol I said thingy's). Ok, back to being serious! So yea, basically would you drink contaminated water? If you're truly human, I think NOT! Well thats what happens to our soul. Contamination (impurity) is a grimy sticky film that coats your soul in the spiritual realm. Your soul consist of your emotions and your will. And when your soul is contaminated, so is the way you think and how you feel. Its no wonder the world thinks purity is lame, and feel there's absolutely nothing wrong with having sex before marriage (forget about kissing cause they BEEN threw that out the window going 100mph). I don't care who you are, EVERYONE prefers a brand-new gift rather than a used one. The bible states the EVERY good and PERFECT gift comes from above. And that's exactly what purity is. Its a perfect uncontaminated gift from God that Hes given each of us to put into practice that we might be able to enjoy ecstasy and intimacy to its ENTIRETY under the covering of marriage. The culture today promotes hooking up and random nights filled with passion as freedom. But in all actuality the "freedom" the world has to offer is really freedom to self destruct. Freedom to have no moral standards. Freedom to constantly feel incomplete and empty. Freedom to give a piece of your self away for free with no type of commitment or sacrifice. The freedom to give unworthy people access to whats most precious, only to have them spit in your face and turn around with deuces in the air for you to look at. The freedom to be a soul full of holes that's unable to be patched. Do we really think that was Gods original plan for our lives as He watched our parents cradled us in their arms? Was that His plan when He decided to send heavens BEST (Jesus) to die on the cross for us? The bible states "out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water" John7:38, which spiritually indicates the core of your being. Earlier I compared purity to water. If the core of your being (in this contexts) is like rivers of living water, then what kind of river are you? Are you spring fresh pure? Or are you salt lake swampy? Think about it! . . . . With that being said, lets talk about how kissing is a sin shall we *\^_^/*

The Sin of Kissing

Kissing is not something your lips just automatically do when it sees people. Its a desire that comes from your emotions (heart), not your brain.The root of all evil is rooted in your soul (sinful nature) if you really look at it. All of our wrong decisions were always controlled by how we felt and our willingness to act upon how we felt. There are 3 reasons why kissing  outside of marriage is a sin. 
          1. It stimulates youthful lust: The word of God in 2Timothy 2:22 is clear on fleeing away from anything that stimulates lust. Lust is a sin, and you dont need to be saved to know that either. Kissing as we all know it is classified as FOREPALY. No if's, and's or but's about it! No one kisses just because they like the way someones spit taste. You kiss because there is a intimate fantasy of where that kiss will end up leading you. Its a stimulator for intimacy. And premarital intimacy, is just as wrong as premarital sex in the eyes of God. It perverts the true meaning of purity for intimacy.

          2. You're trespassing and violating the body of a person that does not rightfully belong to you. If you are not married to the person, they don't belong to you. POINT, BLANK, PERIOD! Everyone you see whether saved or not, came from God. And Jesus came to die for everyone who would come and accept Him. 1Corinthians 6:20 states "for God bought you with a high price (the blood of Jesus). So you must honor God with your body". You were not crucified for the person, so you do not have the legal right to touch that person in such a manner. They were made in the image of God and only covenant commitment (marriage) gives you such rights. The bible says "each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband", notice it did not say "girlfriend or boyfriend". So if you are not married to the person, keep your paws and lips OFF!

          3. Your body (including your lips) is the modern day temple for the Holy Spirit. I said earlier that no one belongs to you unless you are married to them, but even YOU don't belong to YOU because YOU didn't die on the cross for yourself either. The bible states in 1Corinthians 6:19 "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself". This is not some "slave I own you do as I say right now or you'll die because I'm your master" type of stuff, this is just the displayed love of a Father who knows BETTER than we do the consequences of premarital intimacy, so He places certain guidelines until we're ready. A loving parent wont give the keys to the car to their 12yr old just because the child think they're ready to drive. No, they'll give the keys to the child when he/she is 1st mature enough, and 2nd has the appropriate license. The Holy Spirit (if you are a born again believer) lives in you to guide and protect you into ALL truths. So when you open up doors to lust, you not only sin against yourself but you also sin against the Holy Spirit.  

Just Wait For it

So you see, kissing in and of itself is NOT wrong. It's only wrong when its done premaritally. To the world "Don't start nothing you cant finish" is taken as a seductive challenge.  But for single/engaged Christians "Don't start nothing you cant finish" is to be taken as a warning. Don't spark a fire that will eventually grow to big to put out. Kissing is just that spark, and all you need is the match. So don't even play with fire if you're not looking to get burnt. Give your future spouse something to value. Kissing might not seem as anything sacred or special now a days, but it is. And as crazy as this may sound, people will have sex with anyone before they kiss just anyone. So instead of just thinking by keeping your pants up and legs close, you're practicing purity, how about you head to toe put it in to practice: What you think about, what you watch, what you say, your motives, your body and where you go. I don't know about the rest of you all, but I want my husband to KNOW I respected, loved, and thought of him even before I knew him by keeping my spirit, body and soul pure not only before the Lord, but reserved for him. There is beauty in intimacy when its pure don't you agree?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Saved Hater Friends? OH MY!

Saved Hater Friends? OH MY! 

So I felt the need to address this hate thing that goes on within the Christian community that NO ONE wants to talk about. And the ones who do talk about it are normally the ones that are still bitter, so it often times come out wrong. Id like to 1st state that I to have been (long long ago), a hater *bows head in past shame*. BUT, to my glory I no longer am one (thanks to God) *harlem shakes*. What is a Saved Hater Friend? For many of us, to even say we have "haters" just sounds so uncomfortable, worldly, and just down right G-H-E-TT-O "I got hata's ya'll". BUT, if we be truthfully honest here, haters DO EXIST. In the world and sadly to say, in the body of Christ (the Church). The haters I want to address here are not the ones in the world, but the ones IN the church. I'm talking about the "super saved, tongue talking, always slain in the spirit if you just blow on them", haters. We all know that there are only 2 types of haters in this life: the one that just publicly no shame shows they don't like you or anything you do, and the one that's your friend (or acts like it) that is secretly intimidated by your success. So what exactly is a Saved Hater Friend? How do you identify if you might have one (or in some cases, MANY) in your own circle? How do you confront a Saved Hater Friend without looking like you're causing strife or discord? (Cause a hater friend will ALWAYS act like they're oblivious to their own hate, thus making you seem like you're crazy or causing unnecessary drama lol). So lets get started shall we. . . . . . . . . 

What is a Saved Hater Friend? 
Its obviously someone who is saved and someone who you consider a friend. What makes a Saved Hater Friend different from a regular hater friend is the fact that they have a relationship with Jesus, meaning they should know better because He commissioned us to love one another and not hate, right? RIGHT! A Saved Hater Friend is someone who consciously or subconsciously is jealous of your overall progression (whether that be spiritually, financially, or naturally). They are VERY well aware of everything you are working on or working towards, HOWEVER, they will never compliment you on any of it.When they do decide to compliment you its 9 X's out of 10 because you mentioned it, so without wanting to expose how they REALLY feel, they have no choice but to say "Oh yea, I seen that. Good job" (sounding all dry). A hater cant control their "hate" (jealousy). And especially if they have to be a friend to you, it eats up at them. 

How do you identify a Saved Hater Friend?
There's 3 main things a hater friend will ALWAYS do. . . . 
  1. They will hardly (close to never) congratulate, acknowledge, or affirm. 
  2. If in a group setting and someone else compliments you, they (in a "joking" way) will point out your flaw(s) to undermine the compliment you just received. 
  3. They're the least likely to encourage you to step out on faith with your crazy ideas and dreams because they have talked themselves out of stepping out on crazy faith, so they're trying to stop you as well. 
That pretty much sums it up. It really isnt hard to identify one. But one thing I would like to point out; a Saved Hater Friend is not a "frenemie". This is a person that actually likes/loves you. BUT, its in the area that you are either stronger or more talented/gifted in then they are that creates the friction for them. Why? because of insecurity (which none of us can say we didn't have).  Jealousy plays a MAJOR role in being a hater. The bible says "Jealousy is like cancer in the bones" - Proverbs 14:30. And just like cancer, a hater can not control it (if you've ever been a hater, then you KNOW what I'm talmbout lol). Hating is 100% likely to happen in someone who lacks identity of who God specifically created THEM to be, and what He specifically created THEM to accomplish. So in all actuality, they want what you have: Identity and Purpose.

 How do you confront a Saved Hater Friend? 

By now you probably was reading and could name a few hater friends like "yeaaaa, I KNEW so an so was a hata". But the most important part you probably forgot to do was identify if YOU TOO are a hater, (that's that log in the eye Jesus was talking about lol). I'm a firm believer that you can not confront an issue if you have not first checked and confronted it within yourself. If you're anything like how I used to be, calling people out in the middle of an confrontation was BLISS for me. I loved every second of saying in the midst of an argument "I knew it! I knew you was jealous! You just JEALOUS!". It wasn't until I got a revelation on how the Kingdom of God REALLY operates that I was able to change how I confront "haters". So how do we confront them?. . . . . . .You don't! As crazy as that may sound (and to your flesh it doesn't want to make sense), that's how the Kingdom of God operates. Our weapons are not carnal. We don't quarrel as believers arguing with one another, especially on a topic like this. Now I'm not saying that you should NEVER confront people (because confrontation is necessary at the appropriate timing for clarity). I'm saying instead, you PRAY for them first. Prayer sounds so cliche, especially when you find out a close friend is hating on you, cause your flesh wants to confront them (really to bring "conviction") like "I thought you was my friend? You're suppose to be happy for me! I thought you was saved?". That is why we ought to pray for them. Prayer is POWERFUL. When you genuinely pray for that person or those people, it protects and guards your heart from ill emotions that can form towards those individuals that the bible warns us about. It also causes the Holy Spirit to move on your behalf on the heart of the individual(s) to bring conviction. My personal testimony: when I was newly saved (a babe in Christ), because of my hunger and thirst for more of God, I began to grow at an expedient rate spiritually. There was a few individuals that grew a little indignant towards me like "who do she think she is? She just got saved. She thinks she knows it all! I been saved longer than her and she think she can teach me?!". When I would pick up on that, instead of confronting them the way I normally would've done when I wasn't saved, I just prayed for them because I didn't want hate to grow in my heart. Sure enough, God moved on my behalf. Some of those individuals hearts grew soft and they began to confess how they really felt. Now we're some of the closet friends. You see how God moves? Moral of it all: pray for your haters. Like I said earlier, hating generates from insecurity or a lack of knowing purpose. And instead of us being satisfied with labeling everyone as a hater, how about we take a different approach, praying that they will ultimately find their true identify in Christ, so they might be made whole. And look DEEEEP within yourself as well. Could it be that you love the praise and exaltation of man, and when you dont get it from the ones you want it from the most, you label them a hater? Hmmmm, you think about that! 

Until we meet again, CHEEKY CHOOWWW ;) 

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Meaning Behind 31 Roses and Daisies

The Meaning Behind 31 Roses and Daisies

Hello everyone. As you can see this is my very 1st post *Cheeses with SUCH excitement ^_^*. I literally sat here for like 10 confused minutes trying to find the PERFECT words to put together to make sense of what I really want to say smh lol. Well any-who, I STRONGLY believe that behind everything there is meaning. I'm an analytical type of person, so whenever I'm watching or listening to something, or see a design or anything someone created the 1st thing that comes to mind is "Hmm, I wonder what he/she was thinking when he/she decided to do this and that". Some of you are probably wondering why I picked the name I picked for my blog (and if you really didn't care, well, I want you to =p). The 31 represents Proverbs 31. I chose Roses and Daisies not only because I love flowers, but because there is symbolic meaning behind them. The red rose as we all know is associated with love, remembrance, and PASSION (I loooove me some passion) and the passion I'm talking about here is the passion associated with PURPOSE (what God placed each of us on this earth to fulfill). The Daisies on the other hand symbolically represents purity, innocence, loyal love, beauty, patience and simplicity (which I am a HUGE advocate of and believe every woman in the Kingdom of God should clothe themselves with along side the fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22). There you have it. I didn't want to just throw any name together, rather I wanted there to be a beautiful meaningful meaning behind it. And because I want my readers to have a feel of who I am, I saw it fit to formally introduce to you: 31 Roses and Daisies . ENJOOOYYYY =)