The most beautiful thing: That we are all loved by a God who is in fact, love.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Can You Hear It?

Can You Hear It?

As 2013 has come to a close and the anticipated arrival of 2014 and New Years resolutions in the hearts of many, you can not deny the busyness in the atmosphere. Everyones trying to figure out how they're going to make this year a more productive and accomplished one than last year. Many are trying to formulate perfect blueprints to make their dreams, visions, and goals a successful one. In this blog I'll be talking about a few of my personal experiences I've experienced as 2013 was coming to an end, along with bits and pieces of the words the Lord was sharing with me for 2014 that I believe will be of great benefit to you all as well. 2014 I believe will be a very strategic year and there will be very specific things the Lord is going to want us to do to bring to past the dreams, visions, and goals He's given us. But in order to do that we will need to hear only what He is saying, and see only what He is showing. Below I will list key points for this year.

Up until a few days ago I had been kind of quiet not because I didn't have anything to say, but because it was almost as if my mouth had been glued shut from speaking on what it was that I was hearing and seeing. 

It all started Saturday December 21, 2013 (which marked the 1st official day to my Christmas break). That day I decided to go to the mall with some of my girlfriends as they did a little Christmas shopping. The whole car ride there I was more quiet than usual because all I could think about was "I just feel like there's something specific that I'm suppose to be doing and I cant figure it out". As we began to walk around the mall I started to feel bombarded and tugged by all the noise going on (not a natural sense) but a spiritual one. I remember telling God "I want to stay true to my voice and the calling on my life. Teach me how because I don't want to me swayed by so many different influences". A couple hours passed as I was scrolling through my Facebook timeline and I came across a prophetic post by Lance Wallnau with this message "MIDNIGHT WATCH prophetic word: Have the courage to be different! Be true to what resonates in your spirit. Don't let others stifle or edit the song you are called to sing. 

FOR THERE ARE MANY VOICES CONTENDING IN YOUR EAR TO GO THIS WAY OR GO THAT WAY BUT I THE SOVEREIGN LORD WILL REVEAL THE PATH YOU ARE TO TAKE AS YOU COME INTO THE LIGHT OF MY PRESENCE. IT WILL BECOME A CLEAR PICTURE TO YOU." (to read the rest of this word click here). The Lord had answered my question and confirmed His will which was to stay TRUE to WHO He has called me to be and the WHAT He had assigned to me. The Holy Spirit began to then say "The whole body was never designed to function as only one part. The arm does not make up the whole bodily function". In other words each and every one of us have a specific assignment to fulfill. And what someone else is called to do, is needed by what some one else is called to do. We NEED each other. 
  • Key Point #1: As 2014 continues remember, in order to fulfill what God has given you, you will need help. So humble you're self and get rid of that "I can do it all by myself" mindset. Do not deviate from what He's told/telling you to do (even if people around you dont get it). Remember, God has shown YOU not them - so not everyone is going to understand. But remain faithful, diligent, and committed. 

I had a slight headache earlier but it began to increase intensely. It was the most unbearable headache I ever had in my life - something like a migraine with serious sinus pressure. I ended up cutting my time with my girls short to go home. I slept pretty much the whole afternoon well into the night (but the headache did not leave me). I began to just talk to God and share my heart about how I was feeling. I wanted to know was I exactly where He wanted me to be? And so I wanted Him to tell me exactly how He feels about me. I fell asleep not long after. It was between 1:00am - 2:00am I was awoke by incredible heat all over my body. It was so hot I couldn't keep the covers over me. I tossed and turned feeling like I was on fire then I heard a voice say "where there is no spark, fire ceases to exist". I knew without a shadow of a doubt that that was a visitation from the Lord because it was so cold in the house (AC was on 69). I had finally fallen back asleep shortly after that, but around 3:00 4:00am I got attacked by a demon. I was awaken by this loud scream in my ear as if someone was standing over my head. I opened my eyes to see what was going and to my surprise I couldn't move. It was this paralyzing electric sensation that gripped my body (which was really the demon trying to pin me down). I remember thinking "Oh I know exactly whats going on", and immediately it lifted off of me as I rebuked that foul spirit in Jesus name. I seen the demon. It was like a black bull on hind legs with a hunched back. I layed there in my bed staring at the ceiling trying to figure out "how could I have a visitation from God and right after get attacked by a demon?". It took a couple days, but then it dawned on me. . . .
  • Key Point # 2: For 2014 the Lord will begin to speak directly about what it is He wants you to do.  But because the devil is like a prowling lion (1Peter 5:8), he will immediately try to come behind to snuff that which God has told you to do. His tactic is to plant fear and confusion to delay or stop what God has told you. But dont listen or even entertain Him. Hold tightly to what God has told you and shown you.
(by the way, I woke up the next morning as I watched most of my church service online, and was completely healed of that headache. Glory to God ^_^)

That following Monday was as if I was thrust into a whole new season. It was such a major mix of rest and peace all around me on the outside, but on the inside my spirit was very very antsy. It made me extremely frustrated (as it lasted until Friday). I began to despise the rest that was around me because once again I became consumed with "there is just got to be SOMETHING I should be doing for the Kingdom. I cant just sit here. What is IT Lord that I'm suppose to be doing?". It made me become almost an enemy to rest. I didn't like the stillness. I didn't like the quietness. I didn't like that there really wasn't much for me to do on this break. I really wanted to just start working on some of the ideas God was giving me, but the only thing that kept me from doing it was I didn't want to be outside of His will (as He didn't not tell me to start on them just yet). But still, I did not appreciate the rest around me. I couldn't sleep one of those nights and decided to watch a sermon by Steffany Fizzell called Always Getting Closer (Click here to watch, it is such a powerful sermon starting at the 4:03 mark). She started talking about how prophetic people have a tendency to live so far ahead in the future that we tend to miss everything thats right in-front of us. How we tend to live in what God has shown us and forget to live and enjoy the nows, and the moments. She continued to say that we live most of our lives trying to get to the promise land, that we miss the promise in the land that we're currently in. And that God is IN the process. It was so profound to me what she was saying because it described me exactly, and although I knew that God was the one that led me to watch it, I still did not release myself from totally being anxious (notice I said I because in my mind I was still thinking "I think I hear what you're saying Lord, but, there still is something I need to do").

Thursday came and I could hardly stand how I was feeling on the inside. I was beyond frustrated to the point it started to make me doubt myself and question whether I'm on the right path and if I really do hear from God. It was almost like a suffocating feeling of confusion which forced me to bury myself with entertainment (which mainly included hanging out so I could avoid the stillness - "rest" that was around me). As I was going to sleep that night all I could pray to God was that He'll give me clarity as to what in the world was going on because I did not like it at all. Friday came and as I was at my mothers house it just all of a suddenly dawned on me. I cant tell you what triggered it (as I don't remember) but all I know my 6 days of turmoil had gotten a big break, and this is what God revealed to me. . . . 

  • Key Point #3: For 2014 REST is where your victory lies. Rest is a mandate from God not an option. The devils trick will be to get you so consumed with being busy that you despise rest because rest is where you'll hear the voice of God more clearly. Rest is where you'll see more plainly that what He's wanting you to do. Rest is where you'll receive strategic downloads of wisdom. Rest in this sense does not mean vacation or relaxation with little to nothing to do. No. The rest God is talking about for 2014 is seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness that all that He has may be added unto you. When your only priority is to seek His Kingdom, you'll eventually do ONLY what He is telling you to do which will eliminate unnecessary busyness that will eventually cause confusion. When the Holy Spirit said "where there is no spark, fire ceases to exist" He meant getting up and actually doing what He's told you to do is also a necessary part. 

Then the Lord reminded me of a status I wrote 4 months ago:
You can only know which direction God is telling you to take when you can hear what He's telling you to do. You can not become familiar with a voice you dont spend time with. If you're feeling a bit clueless, stuck, and not knowing which where to go, its a clear indication that your surroundings and distractions are beginning to (or already has) drown out the voice of God. . . . . . . Nothings more important than being able to hear from God. . . . Prayer is the key and it keeps you in the loop. Consecration is the ingredient. . . . .when things start to compete with God you have a problem. Take the time to re-prioritize. Your future is dependent on you hearing Gods voice. Obedience is dependent on you listening. And sacrifice is dependent on obeying. Unlike the natural, when you're spiritually deaf, you cant see either!

Something to think about: Your future is as good as your hearing! (Click here  to read the whole status).
One of he attacks of the devil in this season will be to cause chaos and confusion. He's purpose will be to cloud and distort your hearing which will eventually cloud and distort your vision.


I was feeling so much better and was no longer anxious. That following Saturday I went to visit my big brother and sister Leonard and Keiera Weaver (shouts out to you both lol) who is also like my mentors. Me and Keiera started the usual girl convo's about whats been going on lately and before I could tell her everything, the Lord just began to use her to confirm literally every single thing I was feeling but didn't know how to articulate. It was literally the icing on the cake concerning clarity. Immediately after my conversation with her my spirit became in-tuned with the peace and the rest of God that was around me that I earlier had despised. And it all began to make so much sense to me, the enemy had sent to torment me. To get me so impatient that I would get distracted and deviate from Gods plan. 

Some of our set backs are a result of spiritual warfare. The devils number one goal is to eliminate the chances of us even stepping into God s purpose, will and plan for our lives. His attacks start off as distractions, confusion, and discouragement (to name of few). And when we lack being FOCUSED, SOBER and SOUND in our minds and spirit, when the devil attacks with one of his set backs, we think "well maybe that vision, goal, or dream - or that thing I was believing God for was not in His will". So as a result, we give up and step away from the assignment God assigned to us - or stop having faith for that blessing He was willing to bless us with. All because that line of communication to our EARS and EYES aren't open and clear enough to HEAR and SEE what God is saying and doing. As 2014 is here, let your New Years resolution be to be ATTENTIVE and FOCUSED to what God is doing and what He requires of you in every aspect of life (not just spiritual) EVERY AREA!!! So I exhort you all to get still before the Lord over the next few days/weeks and let Him download into you Heavens blueprint for your life. Don't fall prey to the devil and abandon your assignment for 2014. BIG things are going to happen and as a result, well, the attacks are going to be more intense (it come with the territory), but do not be afraid - GREATER is HE that is IN you than the devil that is after you (1John 4:4). Keep your focus and cut off anyone or anything that serves as a distraction. Its just that simple.

With that being said remember:
  • Stay true to what God has given you, and who He's called you to be
  • You can not do the assignment that He's given you by yourself. You will need to be humble. Humility will be so necessary this year. We all need each other.
  • Hold tightly to what God says and do not let fear, doubt, and confusion rob from you.
  • Your clarity, strategies and victories are in God's REST (His presence). Do not neglect resting in God and seeking solely His Kingdom. Get rid of your carnal agendas and pursue His. 
  • Do not be lazy. Get up and do it. Do not procrastinate. 
  • Keep your mind Kingdom

Just like the picture I have here, 2014 is like a maze. Your obedience and how well you're hearing from God will determine how effectively you maneuver throughout this year. So mark, get set, ready, GO!!!!!!  

Happy New Years and blessings to you. I pray 2014 will be nothing short of a prosperous, fulfilled, victorious and glorious year to you all.