The most beautiful thing: That we are all loved by a God who is in fact, love.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Why You, Aren't Married!

Why You, Aren't Married!

This post might be a little controversial ONLY because people have a hard time swallowing the truth when they're exposed by it. But this is a question Ive been pondering on for as long as Ive been saved and going to church (consistently lol), which is going on about 2yrs; "Why are there so many women in the church that are not married, but they're REALLY believing God for a husband?". It wasn't until I decided to ask God Himself and stop playing god myself thinking I knew why, did God reveal to me the WHY behind the question. The reason why you have many women in the church who want a husband but don't have one, and instead watches everyone else around them get married, is because THEY, WONT, SUBMIT!!! Yes, you are not married because you wont submit. The funny thing about the word submission and how every woman in the church have learned to dress up, is that they think its being "meek, quiet and sweet " displayed on the outside. But in all actuality, the submission the bible commissioned every woman to do, must FIRST start from the INSIDE. Many women have mastered and trained their flesh on the outside to look submissive, but have failed or refused to control and train their flesh on the inside (their soul: will, thought, and emotions) to submit. 

There were many times I'd see pretty women in the church who seemed to have "everything" on point. I mean, they come to church, they praise and worship, they have jobs, their own place, and their own car, BUT no husband. It confused me for a while until recently God told me like He told Samuel in the bible: "People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart". You see, God sees FAR beyond what us humans can see. He sees INTO the heart where the true and real person lives. Where their real character and motives dwell. In life we ONLY see what people want us to see, so it is easy to be deceived on who the person really is (if you don't have the Holy Spirit to give you discernment). God told me "don't be easily awed by what you can see on the outer, because what you see is not always what I see". Many people forget that the God who created your heart knows whats IN your heart. And just like Jeremiah 17:10 says "But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve", that's EXACTLY what He does. I didn't forget about the word submission so lets get back on focus okay *snap snap*. There are 3 things a woman who wont submit genuinely from her heart will do.  .  .  .

1. She will be MANIPULATIVE:
    A woman who wont submit will 100% of the time be manipulating and controlling. The bible ORDERED every woman to submit to their husbands because the man is delegated by God to lead and be the head of the woman (Ephesians 5:22-23). A manipulating woman will always emasculate the man. Although he's wearing the pants in the physical, just like Jezebel, in the spirit shes wearing the pants and he's like another Ahab. To God, manipulation is WITCHCRAFT!!! You could be in church and think your perfectly fine, but if you have not submitted in your heart, to God you are or have a STRONG possibility of being a witch. An un-submitting woman will manipulate in a passive aggressive way. Always giving the silent treatment when things don't go her way, or crying as if shes been servilely hurt to get the guy to feel bad. Her motives will always be what she wants, or what he can do for her. Shes a woman controlled by her emotions, so she manipulates through her emotions.

2. She will NAG:
    A woman who wont submit 100% of the time will NAG. Why? because she haven't taken her rightful position in understanding the role the man plays, so she wont respect his decisions as the head. The bible says "
A nagging spouse is like the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet; You can't turn it off, and you can't get away from it" - Proverbs 27:15 (MSG). She will ALWAYS have her input (which nothing is wrong with having input) BUT, she will want her input to always be the outcome. Meaning, she will nag to get things her way. Nagging and manipulation goes hand in had. Instead of her doing it in a passive aggressive subtle way, she'll nag until she drives him up the wall of misery. 

     A woman who wont submit, will always misunderstand. She will always question whether the man knows what hes doing. She wont fully trust his leadership. She'll feel as if she understands spiritual things more than he does. And she will hardly understand the blueprint he lays out, because she will feel as if she has a better one. I'll never forget when God told me "where there is no understanding, there will be no peace". An un-submitting misunderstanding woman will NOT be surrounded by peace. Opposite of a misunderstanding wife, is an understanding one. And the bible says "Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth, but only the LORD can give an understanding wife." - Proverbs 19:14. 

Some might be reading this and thinking "this is a little to extreme" or "I don't agree with everything". Well, agree with this, the bible says "He who finds a wife finds a GOOD thing, and obtains favor from the Lord" - Proverbs 18:22. Notice it said GOOD thing, not a miserable thing. Because the church has put more of a focus on women deserving good men, they've forgotten that GOD also cares for His sons to FIND a GOOD woman. For a man to find a wife, God considers that a treasurable thing. God will NOT send to you one of His sons that Hes been perfectly grooming just so you'll make him miserable because you wont submit in heart. God sees into each of our future, and just like everyone knows, marriage only amplifies areas we all deal with and need the help of our spouse (because no ones perfect coming into marriage). But a woman who wont submit now, surly wont submit when shes married. God will not curse His sons that way (just being honest). I've seen people who in their own judgement feel like "Why is she married? I've been coming to church longer and she JUST got saved, how did she get a husband when I've been praying for one for years? Shes not even up there spiritually! Lord I've been faithful, I tithe and I offer." (LOL, sorry, I just had to laugh cause I've seen this, and its HILARIOUS). But yea, I cant validate every woman that is married now was 100% submissive before they got married, but I can say "to whom much is given, much is required". Its not about everyone else, its about YOU! Look within yourself. If you're a woman of God who knows the word and been going to church for years now, God is definitely calling you to a higher standard because 10/10 you've been taught to submit, but have refused to do so. God holds us all accountable to what we have learned and been taught and rewards us all according to what we do with what we've been giving (In this case, lessons on submission).

So if you're a woman of God (meaning, you're a woman who considers herself Christian), look DEEP within yourself. Are your motives pure? In your heart are you submissive? You've might've just asked yourself these questions and felt like you're fine, but you're not God, so ask God to SHOW you YOURSELF. Ask Him to expose you to yourself, and when He does, don't friggin act surprised. REPENT to whatever He shows you. If you want to be old, single and miserable for the rest of your life, then don't submit. But if the desire of marriage is in your heart, then that means that God has a husband JUST for you. But until you get things right from within first, He will not send him to you (no matter how much you pray, beg, or cry). Another thing, if you are a single woman but you FLIRT with your brothers in Christ, and you do little things to try to get who you want to "be your husband" to notice you, you are operating under a seductive spirit and you need to go before God with sincere conviction and repent. Or find someone you can trust to confess to, and have them pray for you so that you may be delivered. God desires for us to be holy because He is holy. He also wants us ALL to come to a place where we are pure to our own motives. GOD HATES SECRET MANIPULATIVE MOTIVES! So if you've been one waiting loooong for a husband, consider this an answered prayer because when we know better, we do better, right?! Women, lets get to a place where we can be slapped with the truth, and still embrace it. Because at the end if the day, if this helped reveal the why you might've had for such a long time, thank the Lord.

(Ok, IDK why im rambling on when I've pretty much said everything I was given by the Lord to say LOL, told ya'll I like talking. Anywho, I hope this was able to be a blessing to someone out there. And if you're reading this from another country, I LOOOVE and appreciate you *waves lika madwoman*. I think people outside of the US are sooooo COOL and unique lol). Ok, until we meet again, Cheeeeeeky Choooow my loves ^_^/*